Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Monday

Matthew 11:28-29 (New Living Translation) 28 Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. "

In light of this weekends past events, I pray this verse will bring comfort to the many who lost so much because of hurricane Ike. A very dear friend of mine lost a special pet yesterday because of the winds we got from the reminants of hurricane Ike. (This is the verse she sent out on her morning bible verse list.) Jill and Bill lost Pumpkin - a miniature horse who brought them and others so much joy! Jill - we're keeping you in our prayers and thoughts!!! Bill and Jill's website if linked on mine under my favorite places to visit - they are the Goodnews Farm.

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On a much lighter note:
I had a wonderful Friday night with Jill, Jane and Vickie making gifts for the women. It was a wonderful girl's night out!! We had the best time AND got something accomplished!!!!! That in itself is cool!! : )
And yesterday after having the stomach virus on Saturday, my son and I worked on cards during our power outage - I'll post the completed projects later today - they still have a bit of touching up yet!!!
But first I have to go pick up tons of limbs, tops of trees and parts of archery targets, trashcans and a few odd end things from our yard. The wind was the worst I've seen. We are blessed that we didn't have any damage at our house. Unfortunately, that's not the same for so many of our friends, family and neighbors here in Brandenburg, and Corydon, IN.

I'll keep you posted and hopefully get those pictures on here tonight!!!! School is cancelled so I don't have to work (due to the many trees that are down and power outages). So I SHOULD get something done!!!!

Have a beautiful, blessed Monday!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

verse of the day!!

For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory. Deuteronomy 20:4 NIV

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Wonderful Sunday

Colossians 1:28 (New Living Translation)
So we tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all the wisdom God has given us. We want to present them to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ.

Hi Everyone! What a beautiful Sunday!! Our family, after a grumpy start from staying up way too late last night, made it to Sunday school this morning and came out of church WITHOUT the grumpies!! SO glad that we went!!! Today was our daughter's first time in the Youth sunday school class. She was hesitant at first - okay - she really didn't want to go because of the change, but after she went, and came out un-harmed, she was glad she went and said "it wasn't bad". I think being in the older group was intimidating for her. She did say she's the youngest in there but she has grown up with all those kids through the years at church and I know she'll be fine!!! I think I'll start the day from here on out with the daily bible verse in a post instead of at the bottom of the page. That way, it will always be here and can be archived.

Didn't get much done this weekend on cards - had lots of ideas and have started coloring a few images, but that was about it. We did have our bible study group this evening, and afterwards, Jill, Jane and I made a few decisions on what to make for the women's shelter's Christmas present baskets this year. I'm excited!!! I'll have to share pictures of what we make as we go.
We're starting these this Friday! Our goal is to get these done if plenty of time and not procrastinate.... Pray for us that we keep to it !! We want to do this - it's just that I always think "there's plenty of time, I'll do it later", but really - time goes by FAST!!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

working on cards

Well, I think I've finally gotten this to look pretty much the way I want it to. Now I need to start creating cards and posting the pictures. I haven't been taking any pictures of the cards I've made before, so it's time to start! I plan to have new things to share this coming week! ( if I can stay off here!!!)

May you all have a wonderful Sunday!!
Prayers and blessings to all,