Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Wonderful Sunday

Colossians 1:28 (New Living Translation)
So we tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all the wisdom God has given us. We want to present them to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ.

Hi Everyone! What a beautiful Sunday!! Our family, after a grumpy start from staying up way too late last night, made it to Sunday school this morning and came out of church WITHOUT the grumpies!! SO glad that we went!!! Today was our daughter's first time in the Youth sunday school class. She was hesitant at first - okay - she really didn't want to go because of the change, but after she went, and came out un-harmed, she was glad she went and said "it wasn't bad". I think being in the older group was intimidating for her. She did say she's the youngest in there but she has grown up with all those kids through the years at church and I know she'll be fine!!! I think I'll start the day from here on out with the daily bible verse in a post instead of at the bottom of the page. That way, it will always be here and can be archived.

Didn't get much done this weekend on cards - had lots of ideas and have started coloring a few images, but that was about it. We did have our bible study group this evening, and afterwards, Jill, Jane and I made a few decisions on what to make for the women's shelter's Christmas present baskets this year. I'm excited!!! I'll have to share pictures of what we make as we go.
We're starting these this Friday! Our goal is to get these done if plenty of time and not procrastinate.... Pray for us that we keep to it !! We want to do this - it's just that I always think "there's plenty of time, I'll do it later", but really - time goes by FAST!!!

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